
Why Shop Canadian

We recognize that shopping Canadian means a lot to our customers, and we’re here to make it easier.

What is the difference between "Made in Canada" and "Product of Canada"?​

Product of Canada - Product labels may use the term "Product of Canada" if at least 98 percent of the total direct costs to create the good are incurred in Canada

Made in Canada - Product labels may use the term "Made in Canada" if at least 51 percent of the total direct costs of the product's creation occurring in Canada

In store - How we are making it easier to Shop Canadian

Choose Canadian

Look for these symbols throughout the store to make it easier to shop Canadian.

  • Product of Canada - Product labels may use the term "Product of Canada" if at least 98 percent of the total direct costs to create the good are incurred in Canada
  • Made in Canada - Product labels may use the term "Made in Canada" if at least 51 percent of the total direct costs of the product's creation occurring in Canada
  • All Products of Canada and products Made in Canada are clearly labelled on the package
  • We are working hard behind the scenes to start to label all Canadian items on our shelves! Look for the new labels "Product of Canada" or "Made in Canada" at shelf